The International recommendations Consulting Network, Harbin Consulting SA, guarantees you efficient, personalized, and anonymous services at a reasonable price.
The services provided are of high quality, tactfulness and diligence. A company seeks to trust its customers by making a bid for transparency, confidentiality, and high professionalism.
The mission of Harbin Consulting SA is to provide special services to customers with particular attention to the private sphere.
Clients are provided with a wide range of consulting services worldwide since 2001 to both legal and natural persons. Companies trust in the years of successful legal support and the quality of services.
Harbin Consulting SA is pleased to offer you assistance in the creation, development and maintenance of international business anywhere in the world.
International business is similar in many ways to national business, but there are also significant differences that need to be taken into account for the successful implementation of international strategies. The main challenge is to overcome the differences in national cultures that are manifest in the conduct of the case. International business works in countries with different cultures and constitutions, so the same formal business start-up parameters can, if implemented in different cultural environments, produce different results. This distinction is particularly important for Russia's business and its entry into the international market, as the international experience of most Russian companies is limited to a relatively narrow time frame.
In order to start a business in another country, it is not necessary to be an entrepreneur in the RF or the CIS, or to own millions. Of course, such a starting condition would be a reversal.
It is important to note that opening a firm for most countries is the easiest way to obtain a residence permit, which is also our profiling activity.
The Governments of all States have an extremely strong interest in the development of their economies and in the creation of new jobs. Therefore, those who wish to engage in commerce and, even more so, production, are always happy.
Save your time and effort spent for finding a solution. Contact us now